In my Ranked matches I've found that Control Warlock decimates No Minion Mage, and in some cases I didn't even need Tickatus as my opponent raced into fatigue on their own. This setup also features Lord Jaraxxus, who has been added to the Core Set as a Hero. You can score three Prime Legendary minions from Envoy Rustwix, and play your expensive cards to Corrupt Strongman and Tickatus, before playing them again, courtesy of Y'Shaarj, the Defiler. Stay alive by shuffling Soul Fragments into your deck, and use your selection of board clears to stave off enemy minions. You'll get beaten down quickly by super aggro decks, but if you can survive the first few rounds you stand a good chance of winning. Your opponents can't wear you down with their overpowered cards if you burn them all, and that's why Darkmoon Faire's Tickatus is shining so brightly at the moment. If you're sick of losing to Mage and Paladin, consider starving them of their best tools with Gul'dan's unforgiving Control Warlock. A friendly word of warning: Be careful playing Secret Passage after you've sent Mankrik into your deck as it's easy to burn Olgra, Mankrik's Wife when you replace your hand. You also have plenty of options to draw thanks to Secret Passage, Swindle, and Field Contact, which lets you draw a card after you play a Battlecry or Combo card. You can make your hand 1 Mana cheaper by playing Efficient Octo-bot and pinging it with Pen Flinger to activate its Frenzy effect. Eventually, you'll throw down Kargal Battlescar to summon a 5/5 Lookout for each Watch Post you've summoned to overwhelm the board. The former bumps the cost of your opponent's cards by 1 Mana every time they draw, and the latter summons a 2/2 Grunt whenever they play a minion.

Neither Far Watch Post nor Mor'Shan Watch Post can attack, but they're a pain to remove in the early game. Tim was quick to notice just how powerful the Barrens Watch Post neutral cards are, and Watch Post Rogue does a pretty good job of slotting them into a build among the likes of Kazakus and Jandice Barov. Top Hearthstone decks: Tier 2 Watch Post Rogue deck Even if you don't manage to coin out Deck of Lunacy immediately, spells like Primordial Studies, Font of Power, and Runed Orb will keep offering you more cards to play until you find what you need. It sneakily squeezes in C'Thun, the Shattered for four 5-Mana spells that can be upgraded to 8 as early as your first turn, and Incanter's Flow then reduces the cost of the random new spells in your deck.Īfter transforming your deck it's very difficult for your opponent to keep up, especially as you have Refreshing Spring Water to draw cards and refresh your Mana Crystals. This build relies on spells to do its dirty work, with its best card being Deck of Lunacy, a Darkmoon Faire Legendary that transforms the spells in your deck into ones that cost three more. And while, like Paladin, its days are numbered, it's unlikely that Team 5 will nerf it into exile. The class has also been a common place to find decks that flood the board with tokens! These lists were usually more aggressive, because of some of Druid's board buffing spells.We've already covered how No Minion Mage has quickly seen Hearthstone descend into complete lunacy.

A lot of these cards were nerfed, but Druid still has the ability to accelerate its mana total with cards that have been added in newer expansions. This also included strong card draw and the ability to combo big damage out of hand. It was fairly controversial in the early days due to its ability to ramp its mana up, which allowed for the class to play higher cost stuff a lot sooner. The class got some new stuff to try, so there's some interesting options to now bring to the standard or wild ladder.ĭruid has been one of the more powerful classes throughout the history of Hearthstone. Druid is one of the more versatile classes in Hearthstone with a pretty balanced hero power and quite a few different archetypes at its disposal most of the time! In this post, we'll be taking a look at the top meta Druid decks that you could be playing with in the Scholomance expansion.